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В Дамангуре горе

Ставим с запозданием. Пришло от Татьяны Гинзбург. Подробнее узнаем у нее и Хвара на одном из хваРеалов (Дамангур, Тамера, Креод etc).

Dear friends,

It is with great emotion that we wish to inform you that Falco, 63, founder and inspiration of Damanhur, passed away... after a sudden and brief illness. We were somehow waiting for this event, because in mid-March, Falco alluded to his health problems in an article in our daily newspaper, and subsequently, his decline was more visible every day. In honoring his wishes, we only share this information with you now.
Up until the final weeks, his illness barely affected his work pace. He continued to conduct two animated, public gatherings a week, on Thursdays and Fridays. He met with many Damanhurians to pass down knowledge on pranoself, the Temples of Humankind and the research he has been personally carrying out.
In recent meetings, as had been going on for many months now, he repeatedly invited us to grow friendship and affection between Damanhurians, to grow a feeling of love among the people of Damanhur in order to achieve the “superindividual”. This was the theme most close to his heart at this stage of our history.
We are touched, we feel close to him and close to each other. Our commitment and our desire are to continue Damanhur according to the ideals that have guided his teaching, to develop the dream that always motivates us and has accompanied us thus far.The certainty that lives in our hearts, despite the emotions of the moment, is that we have learned how to extract the best of each of us in order to continue building Damanhur with the energy and passion that distinguishes our community.
On Damanhur’s website, you can find a reminder of Falco. http://www.damanhur.org/.

Добавлена 05.05.2024 в 15:45:34

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    Хвар: официальный личный сайт © Хвар.ру Ставим с запозданием. Пришло от Татьяны Гинзбург. Подробнее узнаем у нее и Хвара на одном из хваРеалов (Дамангур, Тамера, Креод etc).
 Dear friends,
 It is with great emotion that we wish to inform you that Falco, 63, founder and inspiration of

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